Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Cherries?!

This is one of the questions that was used to find my lenses. This question goes back to the information that I shared with you guys on my "Dwarf Hamster Diet" lense. The answer to this question is two-fold.

First of all, dwarf hamsters CAN eat cherries. Dwarf hamsters will eat almost anything that you feed them. But that doesn't mean that you should feed them anything. Especially sweets like CHERRIES! Matter of fact, you should try to refrain from feeding your dwarf hamsters anything sweet because of the dwarf hamsters predisposition to diabetes!

That's right, I said diabetes! Like I told you before, dwarf hamsters,( hamsters period) are just like humans. They catch colds when they're sick. They get fat if they don't exercise. And if you feed them too many sweets, (like cherries) they will develop diabetes. Sound familiar?

I know that you want to spoil your dwarf hamster sometimes with treats, but the treats don't have to be sweet. You can give them different varieties of seeds. But just like everything else, the treats should be given in moderation. Think of it like this, you wouldn't give your kids sweets everyday would you? No, of course not! If you treat your dwarf hamster like your baby then, you will be able to appreciate what I am saying.

In closing I would like to say that yes your dwarf hamster can eat cherries but, I would try to give them another unsweetened kind of treat to satisfy the spoiler in you.

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